
Jun 04, 2008 14:40

I'm late to this I know, but last week a religious leader (one that's white, too, which was surprising to me) at Obama's (now former) church said a few things about Hillary Clinton:

The Rev. Michael Pfleger, a Chicago activist, also apologized for last Sunday's sermon at Obama's church, in which he said Clinton's eyes welled with tears before the New Hampshire primary because she felt "entitled" to the Democratic nomination and because "there's a black man stealing my show."

In video circulating on the Internet, Pfleger said the former first lady expected to win the nomination before Obama's sudden popularity.

"She just always thought that, 'This is mine. I'm Bill's wife. I'm white.' ... And then, out of nowhere, came 'Hey, I'm Barack Obama." And she said, 'Oh damn, where did you come from? I'm white. I'm entitled. There's a black man stealing my show,'" Pfleger said at Trinity United Church of Christ.

You don't get the sense of the emotion in his words from this, though. You really need to hear the clip. If I think of it, maybe I'll add a link later today, but it's out there and it's really not that hard to find if you want.

Anyway, the thing that I don't understand about the whole controversy: how can *men* just say these things? How can they just say them about a woman? How can they just assume that she's thinking that, "I'm white. I'm entitled. There's a black man stealing my show"?

In short, how can they not see the other obvious possibility about what Hillary might be thinking right now: "I'm a woman. I got fucked over again. There's a man (of whatever colour) stealing my show"?

Because, while it's not a discussion I really care to have, I don't think it's been decided yet that black men are necessarily more or less oppressed or hard done by than white women. In fact, I think there's a decent case to be made that on the whole, men feel more entitlement as a group than whites do. But this is just a theory. People can disagree if they like.

gender, american politics, race

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