Mar 15, 2008 01:00
Even though I probably created the impression with my last post that I wouldn't be back this weekend, I am. Because of a bunch of things. Like this:
About 30 minutes or so after my last post, I was on the metro going to the bus station. At Place-des-Arts, there was some sort of hubbub in the seating bay over from me. I didn't pay it much mind until the driver made some sort of announcement (which I didn't hear thanks to the iPod) as we pulled into Saint-Laurent.
Somebody in my car on the metro had died. As the train came to a stop at Saint-Laurent, I looked over and saw a man semi-lying on the floor. From what I could tell, it just happened that there were two cops waiting on the platform there. People started getting out of the train and congregating on the platform around the specific car - mine. The police chatted for a minute or two, and then tried to get everyone to move back. Then, they came onto the car and grabbed the body. They laid him out on the platform and started searching his pockets and grabbing at his wallet and such. The train sat in the station for about five minutes or so while the police tried to make sense of this random thing that had happened kind of right in front of them.
It was around 3:30. Schools had just let out. There were lots of kids in the metro. One of the kids in my vicinity had distance glasses and all of her friends kept pleading with her: give them here - I want to see the body! People from cars further along would get out and walk up the platform to check to see why the metro had stalled. Then for the most part, they would smile, and turn back around to walk to their car, shaking their heads.
The man appeared to be about 60-ish. Obviously I have no clue what happened. I imagine it was a heart attack or something equally *natural*, because the police didn't seem too concerned and shortly after, the car doors shut and the train moved on to Berri.
Pretty good night with the folks. We did our usual wine & pizza thing. Mom seems well - this is the first time I've actually seen her since the surgery. AND my parents have stopped smoking.
For all of March now. I'm very proud and happy for them.
Tomorrow, I'll meet Tops for lunch and head out to the arena with my dad to watch Acadia and a bunch of Ontario teams battle for the men's bball championship. I'm happy about all of that too.
Right now, I'm kinda drunk and it's 1:14am and I don't feel like going to bed. So, I'm going to sit here with my snifter of Amaretto and read your posts. Good space.
Ottawa and Montreal have received comparable amounts of snow this winter, but in Montreal I never see the suburbs. Here, I am in the thick of them.
It is really unbelievable how high the snowbanks are here in the suburbs. It is unbelievable that my parents' street has effectively become one-lane in this madness. It is unbelievable.
fuck cancer,
social life,