
Feb 13, 2008 13:40

Man, getting off of a bus these days in this town is like escaping a mosh pit.


The glasses you see in this icon (which I used only for distances) are no more. Last week, the little nose-rest things started falling out, and then I lost them on the weekend. Well, I didn't so much lose them as I just decided not to go back to get them. On Saturday night, I brought them to the bar where I met shade_o_matic to watch the game. I left them on the table. I realized it as we were leaving, but. They're old. They're not the right prescription for me anymore. They're ugly. It's time for new glasses.

So, where should I go and what should I buy? Do most glasses shops have designer stuff and more affordable frames, or is there a chance I'll walk into a store with nothing under $150? For that matter, do all the non-designer ones suck? My eye exam is covered by my insurance, but, sadly, no free glasses for me. :( I'm happily taking recommendations for stores or styles, if you think you know what might suit me.

I'm so clueless about this stuff because the glasses you see on me in the icon are the only pair I've ever owned. I got them in my last year of high school, and since then I've managed never to break or lose them. But I gave them up on Saturday because it's way, waaaay past time for new ones. So what should I get?

ETA: I kinda like these (the top ones, in black):|-1|11152|10052|14353|12048|brands|MensFrames|15106

But obviously, I would have to look for cheaper, non-Burberry alternatives.

public transit, style, glasses

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