What a response - thanks for all the kind words about the new hair, everyone!
I am sick. It hit me out of nowhere when I woke up yesterday morning. Achy bones, headaches and sore throat. So, I assume it's the flu. I'm not quite as bad today, but, whatever. I stayed home, and I think that was probably a good call. Yesterday I slept in until noon and for 10 hours just kind of alternated between the couch and the bed and then went to bed for the night. I watched such crap on television. Like not one but two episodes of Entertainment Spotlight. And one episode of 7th Heaven. Ugh.
Today I have to go vote, buy groceries and maybe I'll do some laundry. And I still haven't decided what I'm doing with my vote.
If you live in Quebec, don't forget to vote! ***
I had a pretty fun weekend. The improv on Saturday night was pretty interesting for how risqué the humour got, and the chill that filled the room when one of the performers used a racial epithet. And then a few HIV jokes were thrown in for good measure.
Next weekend, I've got the first of a few birthday dinners coming up. Then a four-day weekend. Then I'm going to Toronto to visit
wellesleywino and my father, who's going to be there for a couple of weeks. So, fun stuff's on the horizon. As long as this isn't the three-week flu that I've had a couple of other times in the past few years.