(no subject)

Sep 12, 2006 13:29

I'm looking for furniture! If any of you know of people looking to get rid of any of the following stuff, lemme know:
-desk (maybe)

But, really, I'm looking for lots of other odds'n'ends, too. The only catch is that I don't have wheels, so it has to be relatively easy to transport, or else very near Queen Mary/Decarie.

Other thing: I'm probably going to go see Sloan next month, if anyone's interested.


1. My ex is still...
living in the place we picked out together.

2. I am listening to...
Ira Glass. *sigh*

3. Maybe I should...
get a tattoo.

4. I love...

5. My best friend(S)...
aren't in my vicinity frequently enough.

6. I don't understand...
people who don't pay any attention to other people around them. Like, people who dawdle on the sidewalk, or who walk in a swervy fashion annoying everyone else around them.

7. I lost...
my cordless phone?

8. People say...
that I seem happier lately.

9. The meaning of my screen name is...
something I've written about here on numerous occasions.

10. Love is...
bullshit. No, no, I'm kidding, I'm not that jaded. Really.

11. Somewhere, someone is...
getting arrested.

12. I will always...
want to know more.

13. Forever seems...

14. I never ever want to...
have children.

15. My cellphone is...
a figment of your imagination.

16. When I wake up in the morning...
I need my morning newspaper.

17. I get annoyed when...
I make plans with someone and they include others without telling me.

18. Parties are...
nice, but I prefer smaller gatherings.

19. My pet(s) is(are)...
a Yanic!

20. Kisses are the best when...
you give a shit about the person.

21. Today I...
might go pick up some more stuff from the old place.

22. Tomorrow I will...
do largely the same thing that I've done today.

23. I really want...
to continue to be surrounded by friends.

dwelling, meme, moving

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