Bored. So you get a Friday Five.

May 05, 2006 13:26

1. Have you ever been to Mexico?
Yes. Twice, both times to Monterrey, to visit my mother. Once, I travelled with her, and once with my father. 45*c it was, there, for more than one day during my August trip. Hoo-boy.

2. Do you know anyone who is currently in the military?
Yes, Gabriella, who worked in the Archives up until a couple of months ago or so spends her summers in Halifax working for the Navy.

3. What is the last party you attended?
Maybe it was obskura's party a little over a month ago? I do believe it was. And my own party was the night before that.

4. What do you think about President Bush saying that the United States' National Anthem should only be sung in English?
I think it's kind of dumb. Nations evolve, just like anything else, don't they?

5. French fries or freedom fries?
I think this is even more dumb.


I listened this morning to a fabulous segment on This American Life in which two of the contributors to the show went to a karaoke bar (presumably in Chicago, from where the show originates) at which they had not only songs which you could sing with, but also comedy routines that you could perform, word-for-word, in front of an audience.

It's a really interesting idea, if you think about it. One of the contributors argued that comedy is about 90 per cent timing ("chops", he kept saying), and that a true humourist could read the phone book and get laughs. I don't know about that, but it was an interesting experiment, anyway.

(The most interesting part of the piece comes in the form of incredibly bad comic timing, when one of the contributors picks a routine from 1992, and one of the jokes in it is, "What's the difference between Teddy Kennedy and the Iraqi army? Teddy Kennedy has at least one confirmed kill." This more recent performance was during the current Iraq war, and it elicited boos from the other patrons of the bar.)

And this reminds me, it's been a long time since I went out to a karaoke place. I have a bit of a craving. If anyone's up for it, maybe we can work something out.

this american life, meme, karaoke, friday five

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