(no subject)

Aug 05, 2005 22:28

Architecture in Helsinki is kids music for adults. Kind of like They Might Be Giants, but not really.


I'm becoming what I've always hated. A local AM radio station has picked up the vast majority of the Toronto Blue Jays broadcasts. I'm weak in the knees for baseball on the radio, folks. But it's the Blue Jays... can I live with myself if I let myself become a Jays fan?

Yes, yes I can. Despite telling dutchman04 in this space two years ago or so that he should put a bullet in my head if such words ever came from me, I'm willing to admit it: I'm becoming a Blue Jays fan. They betrayed my Expos over and over, but since Jacques Doucet has said he's getting behind the Jays, that's good enough for me.


I forgot to mention yesterday here that I saw something totally wicked on my way to work. I was on d'Argenson near the canal, when a serious cyclist started passing me. He was clad entirely in red in one of those 'real cyclist' outfits with the spandex and such. As he passed, the yellow lettering on his thigh became legible: C - C - C - P

Big fuckin' hammer and sickle on his back. Totally wicked. If it wasn't an authentic outfit, it had me fooled.

expos, cycling

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