Miss.Genius has just figured out how to post pictures in her user info.
yes, crazy I know. What's next? music in the background? pop up quizzes?
a guestbook? a tagboard? a forum??!
oh, one can only imagine the possibilities.
in the meantime, be a dearie and take a
peek. I promise it's worth the click.
in other news, yours truly has discovered men really are from mars!!
BUT! contrary to popular (female) belief, these creatures are beautiful
in their own right and must be adored, regardless of their odd traits and mental habits.
"a boy cannot be dragged from his toys" is a statement that had me reeling.
yet i suppose, the line "you can never have enough shoes" must have had the same impact on him,
at which point, i should quietly sit down and realise that men and women are truly planets apart but that fortunately for us, opposites attract.