Sep 28, 2004 16:57
There is no cool logic nor measurement to emotion.
Neither Joy nor sorrow - can be captured or defined by a chemical cocktail, and if you believe otherwise, then control of one's own destiny, mind, and heart, have been totally surrendered by you. To which, that recognition, I hope you find some honesty. I hope you learn to recognize the grandeur and astonishing capability of having ownership and delight in your own emotional capacity and gifts.There is no international measurement for loss or grief. There are no standards or absolutes when it comes to expressions of love. There are no mathmatical equations or timelines to such things. Horror and fear can only be measured in nights of restless sleep. Anger only in the expressions and wounded relationships of those you've hurt or have been hurt by. And love, only in the most fond memories that you take pride and warm charm in the retelling. In honor, there is only the measurement of a good lifetime. Which I hope dearly for myself and to those who I've been blessed to know. And in all good things and bad, there is the strength in knowing that things will always change, emotions will always ebb and flow, and an opportunity for an even greater expansiveness and indulgence in emotional depth will present itself.