(no subject)

Jul 23, 2005 19:36

I can’t wait to get the car. Anyway. So work is a drag. And I had fun last night, I am thinking about asking Doc if I can borrow his Gazzo bag just for the audition. If all goes well then I will be able to order my Melon pouch and leather cups, as well as getting my supplies to build my table. It is going to be the best table on the street out there.

It will be on the usual waitress stand. And then be birch plywood. Covered in leather or velvet, (I have not decided which yet.) padded in my own secret way. Then I am going to trim the top edge with some beading that is going to be stained and around the edge of the plywood there is going to be a nail trim like on those fancy leather chairs, Yes it is going to be great.

Then the wand is going to be a stained dowel rod. Just to look rustic.

All of this stuff is going to work for the street and the stage, and it will work well indeed for the ren. fest. I am thinking about selling some wands to Doc to sell in the shop. I have a great all solid wood design, with a very traditional look. Anyway.

I have some Tarot Cards that I am going to use to perform with at the festival. I like the Gazzo card routine. With the ambition in it, then moving to actually loosing the card and then the revelation with the floating card routine. Then possibly some of the Dixie Dooley manipulations. Just to show off. Sideways rising card, Fan Vanish, color change, and deck vanish, Revelation. Just to go along with the street routine.

I am debating doing the whole squeaker thing for my audition it is a funny bit but I am not sure how to make it more period.

I want to do a sponge routine, I think to do that I am going to buy a solid leather pouch without a bottom so I can incorporate the purse frame principal. I will have to make the sponges from sea sponge bricks, and dye them Red. It will be really good if I can get that done.

I am also looking into the fiber optics DVD it is all non gimmicked rope. Which is good, I love slights, in-fact that is what my routine is entirely, WOW I am a slight of hand artist now I guess you could say. J Besides slights is the only kind of magic that would have been done back then.

I do want to add the vanishing handkerchief though, it crosses all bounds. To be able to take an item and make it disappear in front of your spectators face. It is the ultimate trick.

I am looking for more tricks to do that would fit the time period. But I guess that it does not need to fit perfectly, Hell one of the performers there does the Metamorphosis. AND HE DOES IT WITH ANOMILIES, He has a modern lock, A Modern Hasp and MODERN HANDCUFFS!!!! That being said I guess I could test the field more once I get in but for now I need stuff appropriate for the period. I am thinking that I may in a few years be able to do illusions there. They would have to be ones that can be performed with all wooden props and that would be decorated to be Ren. Worthy. But that would be cool. The other thing I am thinking about is possibly doing an escape show eventually. If I could get into the circuit then I could alternate shows, do illusions at one escapes the next illusions at the next, Just to change it up enough and this way I don’t fall out of practice with my props. But that is way off. I don’t want to do an escape only show till I have a 2 hour show with large stage escapes.

But for now I want to do my street show. It is a fun one. I am going to need to get a good credit line to get my costuming though. And I am going to need a good pay check to be able to afford some stuff cash. I need a belt and a number of pouches. To hold all my stuff. And a hush money pouch.

Lets see, I need, A hush money pouch, A pouch for my cash, (I am thinking about carrying 50 of the gold dollar coins to pay for my food and stuff.) A pouch for my odds and ends, A pouch to put tips into to keep them tucked away to walk to the pop up and lock it in the safe. A pouch for my cell phone, (Yes I Plan on having it with me on vibrate in cast there is an emergency and to get a hold of security) An odds and ends pouch, A tankard Strap and a tankard. J What else? I am going to need to bring a cooler to keep extra fruit incase I have a melon explode and people take the lemons and limes, Also it is best to have fresh fruit each day to replace discolored and bruised fruit. And I need a period hat to do my final load I am considering at the end after I have the lemons and the limes producing 5 ki-limes under each cup just as a final kicker. It is a thought. Could add some comedy, say something about “does anyone here like Ki-lime pie?” Produce the ki-limes and pull a pie out from under the table. (Just Whipped cream in a pie plate) then if I have a plant in the audience I could invite them up and tell them to wait a second as I put one of the Ki-limes on top. Then say “Oh sir you like key lime pie? Would you like to try this one? “ I would motion to slam it in his face and have him turn it into mine. Pull out a towel say something about the creamy consistency and towel off, Deliver your hat line and you are done.

Thoughts? And Before you ask Joe I will not pay for an audience plant. I would just let you take a bow and get a laugh, possibly give you a dollar of hush money and send you on.

So I am looking to practice in front of a live audience, if anyone is interested in helping Devin get his dream job them please PLEASE call e-mail fax smoke signal something let me know I need to polish this routine badly before this audition, so yeah, if you come to my house and help me out there are a couple bonuses, 1 you get to be entertained for 30 to 45 min. you will get to see this street show before it is released to the public. I will give you a HUGE discount on any bookings in the future. You will have a chance to help me hash out my character persona. You will also be able to help me figure out what my costume should look like. Me love you long time. And if you give me 3-5 days notice I will feed you. And for this week only anyone coming to the house will be able to stay there for a night or so, my parents and sister are up north until next Saturday.

I really need any help I can get here so I am BEGGING and PLEADING. I’ll get down on to my knees if it takes that, I need all of the help I can get here.

This offer not valid for Psycho Bitch Stacey you know who you are you hoe. Also not valid for, Laura, Tony, Mer and Timoth. However Timoth’s sister Stacey is more then welcome. Other then that there is only one other person not allowed to come, and that is you J.K. Rollin I hate you and I hate the rest of the people not welcome to my house.

On another note, Blah. That is how I feel today, Just blah.. It is 1106 degrees out and I am forced to wear this damned wool blend uniform shirt. I cleaned the guard shack but it is not like you will be able to notice in a week. I walked out of the guard house and noticed that I wan tracking dirt outside. So I gave in, you see I wanted to see how long it would take for someone else to clean the guard house if I did not and it turns out one may never know. Oh on that note, BRB I am going to spray the chair with Lysol now. I don’t like working with people that say they don’t like the guard house right after I clean it because it smells like a hospital.

Ok I am back.
Well I am going to watch a DVD to Pass the time, only a couple more hours time Charles gets here and gives me a smoke break. LoL this job is one of those. Anyway, I am off to never, never, land. See you thereJ


To contact me
e-mail undeadarmy@msn.com
Phone 828-850-0552
Smoke signal co-ordinate 234.6 by -98.3
Umm yeah, get a hold of me, It is important.


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