Ten Little Niggers
Went out to dine;
One chocked his little self,
And then there were Nine.
Nine Little Niggers
Sat up very late;
One overslept himself,
And then there were Eight.
Eight Little Niggers
Traveled into Devon;
One got left there,
And then there were Seven.
Seven Little Niggers
Chopping up sticks;
One chopped himself in halves,
And then there were Six.
Six Little Niggers
Playing with a hive;
A Bumble-Bee stung one,
And then there were Five.
Five Little Niggers
Going in for law;
One got in chancery,
And then there were Four.
Four Little Niggers
Going out to sea;
A Red Herring swallowed one,
And then there were Three.
Three Little Niggers
Walking in the zoo;
The big Bear hugged one,
And then there were Two.
Two Little Niggers
Sitting in the sun;
One got frizzled up,
And then there was One.
One Little Nigger
Left all alone;
He went out and hugged himself,
And then there were none.
Є варіант оптимістичніший в кінці
Ілюстрації І шо тут ще цікаво - я був подумав, що це у 19 столітті в англійській було правило писати іменники з великої літери, як зараз в німецькій, а також і числівники. Та воно якось хитріше, бо деякі іменники, як от dine, hive, sea та інші написані з маленької. Напевно це з великої пишуться дійові особи цієї сумної історії - Little Niggers, Red Herring... але тоді чому big Bear?