
Apr 13, 2010 22:28

Трансильвания - мутный барчик в старушке, где второе пиво оказалось каким-то кислым чтоли... а еще там играет металл и есть стол с трупом под стеклом. Странное место. А da_light - лошпек с выключенным телефоном. that's all for tonight.

p.s. тому кто подскажет как обойти UAC в Виндовс Семь7777???? и запустить VBS скрипт, кторый будет проверять наличие папки Chrome у каждого юзера (c:\users\local\appdata\google\chrome) и удалять ее, сделаю пОдарок

UPD. Решение проблемы выглядит вот так:
Const FileToDelete         = "Chrome"
'Const AllUsers             = "\All Users"
Const DeleteProtectedUsers = "FALSE"
Const TemplatesFolder      = "Appdata\Local\Google"
'Const ProtectedUsers       = "Default User,Administrator,All Users,NetworkService,LocalService"

Dim oFSO, oWSH
Dim sAllUsersProfile, oAllUsersFolder, sProfilesRoot, oFolder
Dim colFSOSubFolders
Dim protuserarray
Dim DeleteFlag

'On Error Resume Next    ' this is set because the designated file may be locked from deletion

protuserarray = Split(ProtectedUsers,",")

' Instantiate the objects

Set oFSO    = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set oWSH    = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' Get the Allusers profile folder path first and from this determine profiles parent folder

sAllUsersProfile    = oWSH.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%public%")
Set oAllUsersFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sAllUsersProfile)
sProfilesRoot       = oAllUsersFOlder.ParentFolder

' Now enumerate all existing user profile folders

Set oFolder            = oFSO.GetFolder(sProfilesRoot)
Set colFSOSubfolders   = oFolder.Subfolders

' Now go through each existing user profile folder looking for the designated file to delete

For Each objSubfolder in colFSOSubfolders
 DeleteFlag = "TRUE"
 if oFSO.FolderExists(sProfilesRoot & "\" & objSubfolder.Name & "\" & TemplatesFolder & "\" & FileToDelete) then
    ' Found the file, now establish whether containing folder is on the exempt list
    if NOT DeleteProtectedUsers then
    For Each element in protuserarray
      if ucase(element) = ucase(objSubfolder.Name) then
         DeleteFlag = "FALSE"    ' mark this occurrence of the designated file as exempt from deletion
         exit for
      end if
    end if
   If DeleteFlag then
      ' File was found in a folder that is not exempt, so go ahead and attempt to delete
      oFSO.DeleteFolder sProfilesRoot & "\" & objSubfolder.Name & "\" & TemplatesFolder & "\" & FileToDelete,TRUE
   end if
  end if

' Clean up before exiting
set oFSO = Nothing
set oWSH = Nothing

работа, наблюдение, бытовое, жизнь

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