Jun 03, 2010 19:31
Age: is just a fucking number.
Birthday: in like 2 weeks, HALLELUJAH.
Relationship status: one boyfriend, one girlfriend, one almost-boyfriend, one ex. I count them all. { Dyz believes in polyamory. }
Eye colour: brown
Natural hair colour: like a shade above black.
Current hair colour:
Height: 5'10, unless you're one of those super-short old ladies that always checks at the doctor's office, then I'm like 5'7", and you're fucking wrong.
Current weight: 158.4 pounds as of right now. I'm fuckin' in the 150s. YESSSS.
Highest Weight: about 205. Bad days.
Lowest Weight: right now.
Goal Weight: I'm going to get into the low 150s. Fucking watch.
Ultimate Goal Weight: ... When I'm a size 0? (Ain't never happening, Dizzy's got broad hips.)
Dress Size: I haven't worn a dress that fits me recently, so no clue. I'm like size 9 jeans.
Goals for the year: job, CTcon, sex, drugs, school, whatevs.
Short term: try and get a job at that pizzeria... The kid who works there was so pretty. :o
Long Term: college, art, model, somethin'. Fuck if I know.
Dream occupation: model/artist. Or seduce some rich person into paying for all my shit. I'm sorry, I'm not above that.
Best physical feature: prolly mouth. I get told I have dick-sucking-lips way too often.
Worst physical feature: fattt. And eye size.
Fears: I have an anxiety disorder, so... Yeah. Phobias, though, I have a phobia of barnacles. Seriously.
Would you ever get married: Doubtful.
How many children do you want: none, really, but mum wants Asian grandbabies so I might adopt. Maybe.
How many piercings do you have: currently, none. I took out my nose piercing. Dunno why. used to have: three piercings per ear, one cartilage, two earlobe, and nose.
How many tattoos do you have: none yet. Workin' on it.
Food: I'm a foodie. I like good food. Yes, a foodie with an eating disorder, you like that?
Non alcoholic beverage: I'unno.
Alcoholic beverage: stuff other than beer. I like hard liquor. And fuck fruity drinks with a rusty spork. If you're too much of a pussy to drink it straight, you shouldn't be allowed to drink. Nuff said.
Website: Livejournal... Twitter... I'm a Twitter-freak, I'm sorry.
Music: a lotta shit. But terrorcore's pretty fucking win. It's shitty in a good way. Beat that.
Person: I'unno.
Animal: hm. I like most animals. >_> Dunno.
Book: Fight Club and Vurt. Read it, love it, watch your brain melt from it into a pile of disbelief toward the way you've been living your life and how fucked everything is.
Tv show: Heroes, House, sarcastic shit, and No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain. I love that skinny sarcastic fuck.
Movie: don't even know anymore.
[X] Am Pretty. (I know people think I am, anyway.)
[X] Am Smart. (Smarter than most.)
[X] Am Nice. (Unless you're a fucking bitch or a brat. :3)
[ ] Am a Bad Influence.
[ ] Am a Good Influence.
[ ] Am Popular.
[ ] Am Spoiled.
[X] Have a Good Fashion Sense. (I think I do, my sort of people like the way I dress, and if you don't, sucks for you, I'm wearing it anyway.)
[X] Am Not Good Enough.
[X] Have Better Things to do Than This Quiz. (Homework.)
[X] Am Considered ‘Good looking’ by the Opposite Sex. (Bizarrely.)
[ ] Curse too much (maybe. I don't think so though. Cuz I don't give a fuck.)
[ ] Have too Much Time on my Hands. (I fucking wish.)
[ ] Am Overweight. (Not no more.)
[ ] Am too skinny. (No such thing.)
[ ] can do anyt
hing i want to do (Sorry, I'm a pessimist.)
Random Facts:
- I have over 2000 tweets on my Twitter account.
- My mum's got over a quarter century clean. It's very awkward.
- I was the first kid in my school to dye my hair a "weird" color.
( Second Survey )
Favorite Diet Food: diet Coke? Kills your brain, beeteedubs.
Favorite Binge Food: uh, who has a FAVORITE binge food? This implies you enjoy binging. Fuck that. Fuck food.
Favorite Exercise: Dancing like a crazy bitch.
Favorite Thinspo? My twin? Lol
Where do you slip up? Slip up? What, did I fucking fall or something? Fuck that. You don't "slip up". You fuck up, you fix it, tah-dah.
When Did It Start? Like 13-ish. Like most of my craziness.
Does Anyone Know? Friends do.
Do You Want Help? No, but whoever wrote this needs some. This quiz is in serious danger of becoming fatally dumb.
How Many Calories Do You Consume A Day? Used to do 1200, now I'm back to 0. Okay, technically like 25 due to drinks (coffee, diet soda) but whatevs.
What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror? Me, usually. Honestly, I don't recognize myself sometimes, but obviously me.
Are You In A Relationship? Two and a half of 'em, and they're all pretty lame relationships. Between one living superfaraway, one working allthetime, and the other being a manwhore who's not over his slag of an ex, it's a bit of a sad predicament.
Are You The Fat Or Thin One Out Of Your Friends? Medium sized one. :/
Are You Depressed? Not currently. I'm on Addies. I can't be sad on Addies. XD
Ever Tried To Commit Suicide? Once, kind of. Lost control of what my body was doing and tried to find bleach and hydrogen peroxide and mix them. Couldn't find the bleach.
I AM -
[ ] anorexic (not "technically".)
[X] ednos (anorexic tendencies. I rarely rarely rarely puke.)
[ ] bulimic
[ ] living off diet pills
[ ] hungry (naaaah. Adderall, remember?
[X] thirsty (YES, Adderall, remember? XD)
[ ] drinking something (I'm about to go get diet Coke, though.)
[ ] Under 100lbs (I fuckin' wish.)
[X] starving yourself (technically.)
[ ] participating in a fast (sorta.)
[ ] ask if I’m anorexic/bulimic .
[ ] call me fat
[ ] say I’m skinny
[ ] say I’m ugly
[X] say I’m pretty
[ ] spread rumors about me (dunno, don't listen enough to know.)
[X] force me to eat (very rarely.)
[X] say I eat too much (my mum's bitch friend. I was piggin out because I was PMSing and she kept commenting. Slag. She's fatter than me.)
[X] wish I’d eat more (my friends)
[ ] don't know I'm anorexic/bulimic (most don't.)
[ ] I am shorter than 5'4.
[X] I think I'm ugly sometimes. (Doesn't everyone?)
[X] I have many scars. (Yeah, but not self-injury ones. Those healed up)
[X] I tan easily. (Kinda. I'm actually workin' on one bc I'm sick of being called white. I'M FIUCKING NATIVE AMERICAN, GOD DAMN IT!)
[ ] I wish my hair was a different color. (Don't care at the moment.)
[ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[ ] I have a tattoo. (Not yet.)
[X] I am self-conscious about my appearance. (Usually.)
[ ] I have/had braces. (Straight teeth.)
[X] I wear glasses or contacts. (Contacts.)
[X] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100 safe, free of cost, and scar-free. (Because I'm shallow. Honestly, I think surgery would be good only if you weren't "fixing the way you look" but doing borderline weird/pretty shit to you. Like super-body-modifications.)
[X] I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger.
[ ] I have more than 2 piercings. (Not anymore.)
[ ] I have piercings in places besides my ears. (Not anymore, again.)
[X] I have freckles. (They're EVEYWHERE.)
[X] I've sworn at my parents.
[ ] I've run away from home.
[ ] I've been kicked out of the house.
[ ] My biological parents are together.
[ ] I have a sibling less than one year old.
[ ] I want to have kids someday. (Not really.)
[ ] I've had children.
[ ] I've lost a child.
[X] I've slipped out a "lol" in a spoken conversation. (I was like 13.)
[ ] Disney movies still make me cry. (... They make people cry? >_>)
[ ] I've peed from laughing.
[X] I've snorted while laughing.
[X] I've laughed so hard I've cried.
[ ] I've glued my hand to something (prolly have, just don't remember it.)
[X] I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose. (Sucks. XD)
[ ] I've had my trousers rip in public. (Don't think so, anyway.)
[ ] I'm single
[√] I'm in a relationship. (Two and a half of 'em. Lol.)
[ ] I'm engaged. (No. Don't even say that word to me.)
[ ] I'm married. (LOL.)
[ ] I've gone on a blind date.
[ ] I've been the dumpee more than the dumper.
[X] I miss someone right now. (I miss a lot of people, always do.)
[X] I have a fear of abandonment. (Thanks, dad.)
[X] I've cheated in a relationship. (Kinda. Wasn't really a relationship and it was a kiss, not sex. Idk.)
[ ] I've gotten divorced
[X] I've had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
[ ] I've told someone I loved them when I didn't.
[X] I've told someone I didn't love them when I did.
[ ] I've kept something from a past relationship.
[X] I've had a crush on someone of the same sex.
[X] I've had a crush on a teacher.
[X] I am a cuddler.
[ ] I've been kissed in the rain.
[X] I've hugged a stranger. (Anime conventions and gay pride events and NA meetings, oh my.)
[X] I have kissed a stranger. (Funny story, that. Dunno if she counted as a stranger but I hadn't even had a conversation with her really, she was just chillin' with our group of friends at the 'con that ridiculous Sunday. ... That was a sweet Sunday.)
[X] I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't (obv.)
[X] I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't.
[X] I've snuck out of my house. (Dumb fuckin' times.)
[X] I have lied to my parents about where I am. (Duh.)
[ ] I am keeping a secret from the world. (Kinda.)
[X] I've cheated while playing a game.
[X] I've cheated on a test.
[ ] I've been suspended from school.
[X] I've consumed alcohol. (Why is this under bad times? >_>)
[ ] I regularly drink.
[ ] I can't swallow pills. (HAHAHAHAHAAAHA-oh. You're serious?)
[X] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem
[ ] I have been diagnosed with clinical depression. (I haven't been diagnosed with jack shit cuz therapists mum sends me to don't believe in meds or diagnoses.)
[ ] I shut others out when I'm upset. (Only sometimes. Rarely.)
[ ] I take anti-depressants.
[X] I'm anorexic or bulimic or have EDNOS.
[X] I've slept an entire day when I didn't need it.
[X] I've hurt myself on purpose.
[ ] I'm addicted to self harm.
[ ] I've woken up crying
[X] I've lost weight
[ ] I've gained weight
[X] My weight holds me back
[X] Weight consumes me.
I've done:
[X] Weed
[X] Cigarettes
[X] Alcohol
[ ] Diet pills
[X] Pain killers (Vicodinnnn.)
[ ] Anti-depressants
[ ] Ecstasy
[ ] LSD
[ ] Mushrooms
[X] Speed (Addies count. So does Ian's green potion made of Addies and prolly amphetamines and god fuckin' knows what.)
[ ] Cocaine
[X] Other (B-6, opium, inhalants, whatever.)
My ED:
[X] I'm at my thinnest (sadly.)
[ ] I'm at my biggest
[X] I've lost weight and kept it off
[X] I've lost weight but gained it back (I have before, not right now though.)
[X] My weight affects my mood (it can.)
[ ] I weigh myself daily
[ ] I am jealous of everyone smaller than me
[X] I thrive on compliments (sad but true.)
[ ] I feel bigger than people who are my size
[X] I feel happy when I'm hungry
[X] I get depressed after I eat (sometimes.)
[X] I've skipped a meal
[X] I've thrown food away
[X] I've spit food out
[X] I've fasted
[ ] I've taken diet pills
[ ] I've used laxatives
[X] I've purged (rare occurrence, but it does happen.)
[X] I exercise (not as much as I need to.)
[ ] I exercise so I can eat
[X] I work out secretly (sometimes)
[ ] I work out daily (I should.)
[X] I exercise to counteract eating (sometimes.)
[ ] I've fainted from exhaustion (not yet, came damn close though.)
[X] I keep my eating habits a secret (somewhat.
[X] I have a ED blog (duh.)
[X] I look at thinspo
[X] I collect thinspo
[ ] I condone pro-ana/mia sites
[X] I count calories (almost always)
[X] I've had negative intake days
[X] I avoid food
[ ] I hate food
[X] I love food
[ ] I want to be this way
[ ] I don't want to be like this
[X] I wish I could have more control
[ ] Being thin is my top priority
[X] I don't want to get better (Tyler Durden hitting-rock-bottom mentality. I don't want to get better from anything I'm fucked up with except my anxiety.)
[ ] I am in treatment
[X] I'm doing this for me
[X] I'm doing this for someone (sometimes, almost as payback. Make him regret. But only sometimes.)
[X] I'm doing this to prove myself
[X] I was THIN
[X] I had a better body
[X] I didn't have to eat
[X] I could control myself (oh hey look, I AM. :3)
[X] I was under 110lbs (fuckin' impossible for 5'10", I swear...)
[X] I could avoid food
[ ] I could hide what I am
[X] I wasn’t fat
[ ] I was pretty
[ ] I could stop being ana/mia (just cuz I'm a masochist. Idk. I feel like the process is half of it, that if you're naturally thin you didn't earn it. I'm kinda just fucked in the head though.)
[X] feeling hungry
[X] seeing a difference when fasting
[ ] shaking
[ ] being weak
[X] losing weight
[ ] being anorexic/bulimic
[X] green tea
[ ] diet pills
[X] being able to turn down food
[X] feeling good about myself