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dyvinesweetness April 2 2011, 01:28:46 UTC
"I could imagine that "sisterhood"/sense of community would be a contributing factor to preventing the spread of HIV."

I definitely agree. And while the description of the group notes that support is an important factor for why the groups work, it's still clear that what the funder is most concerned about is that people use protection or abstain or... you get the idea. I wish there was a better way to note the incremental changes (or maybe steps made in a harm reduction model?). Cause my clients are often just not quite yet in a position to make long standing changes as far as protection use. They are too busy worried about more immediate needs like housing and employment. So if I ask for protection and my man gets mad, I'm now scared he'll leave and I need his income. So maybe once they've gotten more stable they'll be ready to demand these changes or just leave the man but where they are at in their lives the concrete changes the funder is looking for just aren't feasible. Again not in the time frame they are expecting the change to happen.

"That's an awesome story. :)"



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