Sometimes it's the little moments

Apr 27, 2010 12:47

Yesterday I did the condom demo part of my group. First, let me say I love that no matter how old if you get a group of women together around some dildos, there will be giggles and silliness abound.

Whenever I do condom demos I usually let the group (or one helper) "guide" me through the process. The first step in using condoms is always to check the expiration date. And they got that.

There was a moment towards the end of the group where the women were checking around the facility for female condoms. They found them and they kept noting the ones that were expired. And they kept showing me ones where the expiration dates had been wiped away.

It was a small moment, but significant to me because of the care and attention they put into it. And they wanted the condoms to be thrown out so that their peers wouldn't find them and use them.

Also I love that there seems to be (at least in my experience) some growing interest and enthusiasm around the female condom.

sexual health education, wpa

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