the company I keep

Jan 13, 2010 08:16

1:26 PM me: got logged off. did you say anthing?
1:30 PM Atarah: ummmi said i was going to the cafeteria?
1:31 PM me: i feel like i should stab you
 Atarah: i feel like you are violent
1:32 PM me: always appropriately so
1:33 PM Atarah: violence is never appropriate
  says my official birthday buddy this year
1:35 PM me: who the fuck?
1:36 PM Atarah: mlk!!!!
1:37 PM me: oh my fuckin god
1:38 PM Atarah: what what what
1:41 PM me: that fact that you evoked the name of mlk to prove your point.... i'm just done with you
 Atarah: he is my birthday buddy
  if beyonce can do for u what he did for the people, why cant i ue him to support my argument that violence is not the answer?
  i mean, beyonce is not his birthday buddy
1:42 PM me: this is getting more and more insane by the minute
 Atarah: ok first of all i dont appreciate these repeated references to insanity where i am concerned
1:43 PM secondly i would like to know why you leave your ass beads here?
1:44 PM me: LOLOL!!!
1:45 PM Atarah: lol. im sorry. darius is now on young and the restless and every time i see him thats what i think
1:47 PM me: man i just caught an ep of family matters this morning and all i could think was "ew negro. you slept with superhead."
  while trynna figure out just how big his dick is
1:49 PM Atarah: LOL! WHY?
1:50 PM me: 'cause!
  she said it was big!
1:52 PM Atarah: oh i didn't know that
  where have i bee?
 me: word
  where have you been?
1:54 PM Atarah: i dunno
  tryna find out why he left his assbeads there?

2:23 PM me: when i was at the car service place, i remember this older white guy kept trynna get me to met up with him
  i was thisclose to having me a white sugar daddy
  *meet up
2:24 PM Atarah: LOL! what stopped you
2:25 PM me: the fact that he was a random old white man lol
2:27 PM Atarah: money talks. shoot
 me: lol
2:28 PM at some point, i assume he would want me to get physical with him
  and i can't have an old white man version of leaving ass beads going on
 Atarah: UGH!!!!!!!!
  bad visual!
 me: why you leave your ascot here?
2:29 PM just sayin!
 Atarah: lol
  why you leave your geritol here?
2:30 PM me: why you leave your wet dog smell here?
2:31 PM Atarah: lol
  why u leave your josh groban cd here?
2:34 PM me: lol! why you leave your viagra here?
2:37 PM Atarah: ooooh od one
  why you leave your depends here?
2:42 PM me: lol i'm out
 Atarah: i win!
 me: omg i hate you

3:01 PM Atarah: you're full of shit
 me: ::gasp!!!!!::
  my word!!
3:04 PM Atarah: oh lord
3:05 PM you and that southern belle shit gon stop!
3:06 PM me: lol i love that shit
3:07 PM Atarah: why?
3:08 PM me: lol i dunno. it cracks me up6 minutes
3:15 PM Atarah: ny accents crack me up
  i was rolling listening to greg's stalker
3:17 PM me: man whatever
3:18 PM our accents are real7 minutes
3:25 PM Atarah: real funny!
3:27 PM me: =/!!!
  lol i can't stand you
3:30 PM Atarah: then sit down!
 me: ok that's your last pun for the day
3:33 PM Atarah: why you hating on my puns
  that was a big pun
 me: I'm about to get the big hook!!!
3:34 PM Atarah: for what
 me: to drag your ass off the stage
 Atarah: oh. well thats mean
  guess i better watch for the hook
3:35 PM mainly cause i was thinking of the same thing
 Atarah: lol

it amuses me, ims

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