Like I need *this* shit

Oct 16, 2009 18:48

Shoutout to the ghastly looking heffa on the Q train today. Thank you for singling me out in a subway car (relatively) full of people and asking if *I* knew of any places that "have gospel" for the random tourists you were conversing with. It's so nice that you went of your way to get my attention causing me to turn down my music, remove my headphones and be subjected to your racist ass assumptions. When there were countless other non-Black perfect strangers that you could have bothered with that shit (who weren't trying to enjoy music AND a book)!! I also appreciated your look of surprise when I said I didn't know of any.

Fuck you very much, you Nightmare-Before-Christmas looking ass witch.

"Have you ever had something happen that was so racist that you didn't even get mad? You was just like 'Goddamn, that was rac- that was racist!" ~Dave Chappelle

shoutouts, subway, i find your racism racist

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