Brinks for the Internet

Jul 07, 2009 09:12

After a minor issue with MySpace (and I'm prolly gonna just delete that account) and a major issue with PayPal, I am reminded of the need to be ON IT with my online security checks.

I thought my password was pretty difficult to decipher and I try to have different passwords for different sites, but I'm thinking that's not enough.

So I'm asking y'all, what is your Internet security regimen?

I'm thinking I might start regularly changing my passwords (though that sounds tedious and obnoxious). The new series of passwords I've updated most of the sites I visit regularly are now even more intricate and (I think) harder to decipher.

Do you change them regularly? Do you have any particular firewall/security software that you would recommend? Do you avoid certain places? Tell me your secrets!

I'm really thankful that the issue with PayPal was handled smoothly, quickly (after I spoke to the third person) and efficiently. But I'm really not trynna have anymore scares.
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