Casual rape

Jun 23, 2009 14:09

So I was gonna write an entry about work (and that one is still coming), but the rape scene in Weeds is trailing around my mind and I felt I had to let it out by writing about it. But I have no words. Weeds, whose head writer is a woman, wrote a rape scene in which the victim smiled and laughed. Something is swimming in my mind about the desensitization of rape and notions of abuse as acceptable, but it's not coming out.

I googled to see if anyone else on the Internets (aside from me, Roli and Dani) had a similar reaction and found this and this and a brief mention in another posting elsewhere.

I also found this. It's so sad to me that rape is a topic of debate. Going back to this shit storm the notion of rape seems to be a continued subject of "wonder and awe" for people.

Every time I go to click "post" I want to add more, but I think I am just tired (emotionally) and sad.

If you are feeling a strong desire to debate the merits of rape accusations or debate the definitions of rape or some other unworthy topic, please do us both a favor and keep that shit to yourself. I'm not feeling very kind and am liable to curse you the fuck out regardless of whether I consider you a friend. In fact, if whenever rape is discussed, your first inclination is to "protect" the interests of poor, defenseless men against potential false accusations and yadda yadda yadda, I suggest you look deeper into yourself and examine your (internalized) sexist thoughts.

I'm gonna write a complaint letter to the producers and writers of Weeds and whichever officials at Showtime.

tv, i find your sexism sexist, misogyny

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