Dec 28, 2008 21:04

So, at this point a good amount of you have seen Very Young Girls. Here's a post so folks can discuss their thoughts feelings and ask me questions about it. I'd give my thoughts, but I've said it enough to many of you already. lol The information about airing is in the link, but FYI it is still available on Showtime On Demand until about mid-Jan, it'll have regular airings until about Feb and you can obtain a hard copy of the DVD from the website [best way is to offer to host a home screening].

Here's some questions to get things started:

What was your general opinion of the movie?
How much did you know about sexual exploitation prior to viewing?
Did it help raise your awareness of the issue?
Do you feel the movie helps you to understand what contributes to sexual exploitation?
What do you think of the girls/young women and their depictions?
What do you think of the ED, Rachel, and her depiction?
What aspect of the movie/issue stood out to you most?

Anything you'd like to know about the making of the movie, the issue, the org, my role, etc?

Answer any of the questions, all or none. I'm just curious about folks' reactions.


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