Jun 09, 2008 18:55
I was expecting more juicy stuff. lol
"What do you consider to be the most fufilling aspect of your job?"
Hmmmm. I guess the relationships themselves. The largest part of any long-term (successful) counseling is forming a relationship with the person. Seeing them do things like leave their pimp, get into school and get housing are all nice, but just knowing that I am someone they feel comfortable enough to talk to (when that is so hard for them to do) is something that means the world to me. One of my girls got mad at me a few weeks ago (over a minor misunderstanding). She later popped in the office and we made amends. She said the time away was hard for her because I am the only person that she speaks to as freely as she does. That is the meat of the work for me.
"When are you gonna text a song that I actually know?"
LOL! You knew this one and still didn't get it though! =p
"If a black man is the president of this country, what does it say about the state of American racism in your opinion?"
Not a damn thing.
youth work,