(no subject)

Dec 23, 2007 11:08

Disturbing dream. I was walking towards a bus stop and passed a chicken spot. A guy was standing either just inside or just outside the doors of the chicken spot. As I passed he made some sort of cat call. I ignored him and kept walking towards the bus stop. I thought for a split second that he might try to do something to me, but I shrugged it off assuming I was being paranoid. But something urged me to turn around. I turned and he was about 5-10 feet behind me with a gun pointed at my head. I was so caught off guard I dropped to the pavement backwards. I started inching backwards saying "He was really going to kill me. He was really going to kill me." Then the guy starts laughing as he "snaps out of it" (for lack of a better term) and says "I really was gonna kill her," then walks off. Still laughing.

Then, somehow I'm in what's supposed to be my apartment, paralyzed by fear. I'd barricaded myself in there for a few days and was still too scared to leave. I think that's when the phone woke me up. I went back to sleep later, but I can't remember what I dreamt after that.

dreams, misogyny

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