
Nov 17, 2007 15:41

Of course there's the general E, Eb, Ebs, Ebbie, etc that pretty much anyone that's known me longer than a day uses. Though only Shavon really calls me E. Er'body calls me Eb. Usually it's my family calling me Ebbie. One of my co-workers called me "Ebb" in an e-mail which I thought was kinda cute. Who was it that started calling me "Ebo" on the boards? lol

My sister called me Sneezer, MamaSneezer and Mama-La. No clue where she got it from. I guess it was just random baby sayings that stuck. Well she mostly called me Ebbie, but when she was calling for me from a distance she'd use the other three.

Eunique called/calls me Eggy-baby in this weird sing-songy voice. lol I think Stormy once claimed he created that name for me, but I don't ever remember him calling me that even once. And Eunique used it all the time.

When I was younger a specific set of cousins called me Mousy. 'Cause I was so small and timid. I remember once they asked me if I liked that nickname and I said it was ok 'cause I was just happy my nickname wasn't Applehead like one of my other cousins.

Brantley gave me the nickname Sweets which is part of what prompted this username. I hated it at first 'cause it was like a throw away name. Some girl's bf was called Sweets and he (in his rampant immaturity) thought it was the funniest thing in the world. After I realized the name itself wasn't as strange as Brantley initially acted I began to kinda like the name. And I now use the term "sweets" often.
One of Brantley's friends, Charles, gave me the nickname Jiggles (and I will never explain why lol but it's not whatever you're thinking). HAAAAAAAATED it at first. I think I stopped hating it mainly because I realized they were hell bent on calling me that. And no one other than Charles and I knows exactly why he started it anyway.

When Q and I used to hang out in the pjs, there was this dude named Sundance. Sundance for some reason saw fit to give us both nicknames. Q's? Pocahontas because she wore a weave that summer almost down to her butt. Mine? Meatball! =/ I mean, wtf? Imagine us walking down the block, some guy shouts to her "Pocahontas!" and she waves and smiles. Same guy then shouts to me "Meeeaaaatbaaaaaalllllll!" =/!! He said I had a "meatball head." All I did was frown that whole summer 'cause of Sundance and that damned nickname. lol

Obviously I've recently started calling myself Ebonita and it's spread. Yay! lol

I actually forgot until recently that
Linder and I called each other Dr. Huxtable and Dr. Ruth. Eventhough that's how she's listed in my phone. lol [Random note: Few people are listed by their (gov't) names in my phone]

Stemming from a completely silly IM,
Dee and I call each other Esther and Beulah. lol

I think
Mikey calls me something different each time we speak. lol Usually something pertaining to my last name.

Oh, Daryl (co-worker from the Red Cross) used to call me E-Mack! (yes with the exclamation point) Each time he said it I felt like he was intro'ing me and I was about to go on stage. lol "E-MACK!"

Oh and of course, there's Ebonaya given to me by
Laneyface. I tried to find the post that started that silliness, but it's actually more than one and I can't find them all to fully connect the dots. Long story short he took some entry I made about how people describe themselves as being "from/of" a place and attributed it to me not being a NYer, but actually Hawaiian. lol This was my "real" "Hawaiian" name.

When I went to summer camp one of my groupmates started calling me Chipmunk because I munched on popcorn, nuts and berries the whole time.

I think that's it. What's your nickname(s)?
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