(no subject)

Jan 30, 2006 16:32

So I'm watching Oprah and it's about these guys who ratted on turned in their father when they realized he robbed a bank. The notion of it being difficult deciding to turn in a relative is one I can understand. If I found out one of my brothers raped someone.... man. But robbing a bank?!?! They didn't even go to him and talk to him they just turned him in. That makes me wanna go out and buy one of those "stop snitching" t-shirts. Of all the crimes to turn in your family for, they turned him in for robbing a fuckin BANK? Not a little old lady, but a BANK? Man, lemme find out a close relative robbed a bank (assuming I wasn't driving the getaway car). Please believe po-9 won't get word one out of me. I am sincerely infuriated with these boys.

Poll Stop snitchin!!

By "close" relative I don't mean closest in bloodline to you. I mean one whom you care for deeply and are emotionally close to (in case I wasn't clear. I know we all aren't close to blood relatives).


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