Let's get it goin

Aug 21, 2005 14:10

Barbie and Ken 101 by Rafael Casal

Sometimes I feel like I'm sitting in the back of Barbie and Ken 101
A class we're all in, but never seem to learn from
Some general Ed. requirement for students of American culture
One that convinces even the brightest of young women
that sex is survival of the thinnest
And I'm sick of this education that doesn't serve our best interest
My teacher has no face.
She is every Revlon model women have ever chased
Her lectures can be seen in the backs of magazines,
beauty ads and marketing campaigns
Shit, just turn on yo TV
'This just in! A skewed perspective for today's youth:'

Y'all ladies ain't thin enough
Fellas ain't trim enough
Wanna be sexy
Y'all don't go to the gym enough

'Cut to commercial!'

Come on, just tune into their maintenance team
Tell you you're ugly, then tell you how to fix it with Maybelline
Please, they're just molding Barbie to fit the new trend
Next they're gonna have Club-hoppin Barbie with thongs as accessories
Video Ho Barbie: abusive boyfriend sold separately
Underage Barbie: Kobe's Bryant's included
or 9/11 victim Barbie and Ken is proud to get recruited
Problem is all these teachings are women's decay
And my girlfriend is sitting up front and she's getting an "A"
This is where I start getting really pissed off ok?
When the fuck did it become about

'tuckin in the gut I got to get the bigger breasts
Shit, I wanna fit a little better in a dress
So let me get a little skinny,
gotta fit into a itty bitty size slimmer
just to liven up the chest'?

Please, teacher, teacher, I wanna give my oral presentation
'cause I have a problem with the class
and matter of fact I have a damn problem with your whole administration
You're the reason my girl won't sit across from me in restaurants
The reason that she thinks she's overfat in over ten spots
Less gut, less pudge
Less looks, less real
More looks, more love, more Barbie appeal
Oh shit
Fuck Barbie and Ken
Fuck Barbie and Ken

They're the reason 15 year-old girls' arms are slit
The reason 12 year-olds think "skinny" is a compliment
And it's too late, it is too late

I can't write my way through these bathroom doors
so I raise my hand in class 'cause I can't take it any more
Teacher, teacher, your lectures are all backwards
You've got mothers and daughters forgetting what matters

'Cause above hips, ass, lips, legs and Uggs
The most real ass shit is women who don't give a fuck!

So, screw all your teachings
your lessons and plans
You screwed, sick distant relative of the man
Your plan for brainwashing my baby I'll reject
I'm walkin out your class
and I will proudly take my "F"


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