(no subject)

Aug 17, 2005 13:15

Sometimes I really make myself giggle. Like the fact that yesterday I made an e-mail contact list called "Heathens." *giggle fit*

Like the fact that in response to everyone asking me the SAME two questions EVERY day I made a sign that says:
"Bad News

No, neither the cellphones nor the IDs have come in yet.

Good News

I just saved a bunch of money, by switching to Geico."

I'm kinda evil. I know.

AND corny. Yes, I know

I really need to commit myself to making an flist cut. This isn't some passive aggressive plea for people to beg to stay on my list (and I REFUSE to make one of those "comment to stay" shits). This is just fact. I'm not reading as much as I used to. I feel like a hypocrite. Blah blah. I'll get to it eventually.

Speaking of reading, work is getting in the way of my reading time!! My Kindred just arrived so I already feel like I'm behind (in regards to the blackfolkbooks club).

So I was watching Family guy on Sunday and they had Timer in there! Who remembers Timer?

"When I'm slow on the draw
and I need somethin to "chaw"
I hanker for a hunk a cheese.
When I'm dancin the ho-down
and my boots kinda slow down
or any time I'm weak in my knees...."

After seeing Timer in FG I looked up the link I put above and started reminiscing. I realized that ads used to be targetted to encourage kids ot eat healthy. I KNOW everyone remembers "Milk. It does a body good." (yeah there's now contraversy about how good milk is for you, but you get my point). I haven't seen a commercial for healthy food in years. I forget who makes it, but some peanut butter company makes portable peanut butter in "convenient" tubes. For the lazy kid on the go!! Why waste ALL that time getting the bread, putting the peanut butter on the bread, putting the jelly on the bread and making a actual sandwich? Just grab a tube and suck! Next they'll create a device that will just intravenously add the calories to your body while you sit and watch "reality" TV. Have I said I hate this country lately?

lj related, yap, reminisce

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