There she goes again....

Jul 30, 2005 15:10

...the dopest Ethiopian
I get the feeling I've begun a few entries like that. But I don't remember doing it so eh.

haha Oops! accidentally posted this in boonies.

LOL!!! I was lookin though my memories and damn near fell OUT at this comment Mikey made in the entry about video hos:

"could we please stay home with this "well these women would shake their asses off camera anyway, we might as well do it on air" shit? what hood you ever went to where females is seriously out on the curb and pavement area havin ass shakin contests?

nah, in fact, scratch that. cus i know somebody gon come with this "nigga we jus had a ass shakin contest last week!" shit. with their lyin asses, cus winter aint outdoor-ass-shakin season in the first place. dont try and play me, slickies."

LMAO!!! Woooo

Ok, hmmmm, on a totally unrelated note, it's interesting to me how folks are really quick to condemn criminals (or rather law breakers) to hell and declare that they are unsalvageable and should burn in hell, etc, etc. SO many black civil rights leaders and political activists have gone to jail. And I don't even mean folks like MLK who went to jail FOR their activism. I mean, folks like Malcolm who went to prison before they became prominent public figures. If we are to uphold the mentality that a person is useless and to be ostracized once they break a law, we should include him and declare all of the work he did for equality null and avoid. I mean, he was just a no good hoodlum, right? And once you steal you're instantly not fit for human society right? No hope for you. A poundcake thief squandering gains and so forth. At what point did we stop viewing inmates as human beings? Is Mumia not human?

Ok, ok I just heard the ILLEST poem on Def Poetry Jam. I searched for it online but couldn't find it so I'm just gonna transcribe it.

"Hip Hop" by Beau Sia

How come no one told me "chinky eyes" was a compliment?!
Yo, I wanna be down, too.
I must be confused between lyrics like
"Damn, she's fly/
high, with chinky eyes" and
"Chinky-eyed Korean/
spy and if I'll buy."
I don't understand the words.
Why don't you teach me?
Is there a word for the eyes of Puerto Ricans?
Did white racists in the 1800's invent that word, too?
How were the words handed down?
Are they used like this?
'At once you could hear the screaming chinks!'
Did someone else also turn your racial slurs into compliments on your behalf?
Did you feel as empowered as I did
learning that non-Chinks made Chink ok for everyone else to say?
I feel so ignorant!
Yo, is it cool now to use racial slurs to talk about someone's physical features?
Like is that what's hip?
Are there rock songs about n-word asses?
Country songs about w-back hair?
Pop songs about a woman's rhymes-with-bike nose?
I wanna know!
I'm stupid.
Up until two weeks ago, I thought most urban radio personalities were white.
You know, 'cause I figured anyone who had suffered at the hands of oppression, right,
would neeeever be insensitive to my mother's struggle.
But forgive me!
I'm sorry!
I had no idea that we were at the dawn of a new age!
Do you hear that my white friends?
Now you and your one black friend can recite 50's lyrics together!!!
All minorities have stopped allowing the hegemony to bit us against each other.
Every race issue has been resolved.
My fellow chinks, formerly known as Asians, these offensive terms aren't ratings,
aren't economic frustrations misguided
and William Hung is not a joke, so don't be offended!!!
Don't fight for equal media representation!
Don't boycott parent companies!
And don't ever argue when someone else tries to tell you about YOUR experience!
'Cause if you don't know, NOW ya know

race, privilege, decarceration, hiphop

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