Ain't we lucky we got 'em?!

Jul 23, 2005 12:32

How is it that someone can capture your feelings and just hijack them? I'm not sure if I'm lonely or just craving (nor am I really sure what the difference is). I'm sure it'll leave...eventually.

I get really uncomfortable and very irked when people say things like "I'm sorry for ranting." Or stuff like "I'm being too angry." I think I've mentioned this before (like I KNOW I've mentioned that I hate people apologizing for their journals), but now I realize why. I know I rant a lot, particularly angry rants. So my mind processes others apologizing for THIER rants/anger as "if you feel a need to apologize for this, then you must hate it when I do it. And I do it all the time."

I swear I saw Mamyrah at this meeting about Juvenile Justice yesterday. (A meeting that I should not have been at, but that's a whole 'nother story). If it wasn't her, it was her long lost twin.

"Good Times" was great, but James' temper woulda had me divorce his ass VERY quickly. And poor people don't refer to their poorness as much as the Evans did. Why would people constantly refer to that as if it's something to be forgotten? Do rich folks refer to being rich all the time?? Well.... maybe they do. lol

Here's some googlisms that I thought were cute or funny:
ebony is the largest circulation african american magazine
ebony is black
ebony is the common name for the tree genus diospyrus which contains some 300 species
ebony is a very bright child
ebony is a very sad girl
ebony is a recessive mutant
ebony is a curvy female for her race of people
ebony is looking like a little black panther
ebony is quick and easy to use
ebony is tough and can definitely look after herself
ebony is willing to entertain all reasonable offers

LOL@"for her race of people" LOL!!

I'm about to go get some mussels and shrimp, then come back and enjoy the rest of the Good Times marathon. If one isn't already made, someone should make a "Which person in Good Times are you?" quiz. lol

I'ma gonna make an entry with all the... I dunno what they would be called..... subnames that I've made on LJ. Just for reference.

Do I love you? Do I lust for you? Am I a sinner because I do the two?

tv, lj related

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