"I could get sucked out"

Jul 14, 2005 10:09

I swear I need to make like 4 entries, but in the meantime I have to make this quick one. I should submit it to Overheard in NY.

I'm on the train and it's ridiculously hot and humid because the A/C for that train car isn't working. So we have the car door cracked to let the air flow in. A lady comes in and stands near the open door for a minute, then closes it. The ladies sitting next to me speak all at once saying "no, no, we need the air." The lady standing says "It's not safe." One of the seated ladies says "It's too hot in here. We kept it open to get some air." And the lady standing says "But it's not safe. I could get sucked out the door."

Maaaaaannnnn, it took everything I had not to crack up in her face.

ETA: I submitted it to Overheard in NY and the editor e-mailed me saying he LOLed when he read it and that he hadn't read anything that made him do that in a while. =D
Look for it in the next coming weeks. (Submitted by Ebonita)

new yawk, subway

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