Know when to say "when"

Apr 18, 2005 21:14

Lawdy Jeevs

La Doctress:
La Doctress: =-O
All Sta 00: dang, did I write in there? :-X
La Doctress: you lost me
All Sta 00: I'm teasing
La Doctress: i know that, but you still lost me
La Doctress: did you SEE link????
All Sta 00: not yet... I'm about to click on it
La Doctress: lol oh ok. you will not be making jokes about that being you when you see the link. TRUST!
All Sta 00: I have to vomit now >:o
La Doctress: man that did NOT come from JUST oral sex!!!!
La Doctress: that came from oral with a disease!!!
All Sta 00: I was hoping it didn't come from just oral
All Sta 00: cuz it would've been done for me
La Doctress: i'm thinking she made MANY people change their minds about oral lol
All Sta 00: mofo had some type of acidic semen to do all that
La Doctress: I'm SAYIN!!!!
All Sta 00: talkin about it didn't hurt til the end
All Sta 00: then u stop!!!
All Sta 00: last I heard, it's not supposed to hurt!
La Doctress: it's definitely not lol
La Doctress: his shit must be pointy
All Sta 00: it must have teeth :-X
All Sta 00: lol

Man, I have sucked my fair share of peen, but I have NEVER gotten chaffed from the shit. She needs to consult her man, a dentist and an STD specialist STAT! That is so wrong!

ims, sex

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