Yeah you're my muse this time

May 24, 2004 14:15

William Hung... I barely have the words to express how disgusting his fame is. But I'll start here...

"William Hung is the Asian version of blackface."

He may as well stick some chopsticks in his hands, wear a kimono and carry a paper fan. He is a walking stereotype. And he is popular because of that and little more. Just like Mantan Mooreland, Hattie McDaniel and 50 Cents, he is only famous because his persona exemplifies an image that has long been perpetuated. It's comforting to have the stereotypes you believe reinforced repeatedly. People could watch Hattie and Mantan and say "see, I knew those blacks weren't too bright, but they sure are entertaining!" They watch 50 (from the comfort/protection of their living room) and can say "I knew those blacks were thugs. That guys scares me, but he sure is entertaining!!" Now they can watch Hung and say "I KNEW those Asians had fucked up teeth and incomprehensive accents, but he sure is entertaining!"

Hung is being exploited and I wonder if he's truly aware of it all or if he's just going along for the ride to fulfill his "15 minutes" and make as much money as he can. 'Cause, you know, money is what it's all about! Fuck your pride, dignity and self-respect... Well don't fuck it. Sell it!! To the highest bidder. You can always buy it back later, right? Unless the guy you sold it to gains enough power over the market and decides to charge you triple to get it back and you can't afford it anymore. But hey, that's the American way!

A man whom we all agree has less than zero talent has a record deal. Well what do I expect? People with just as little talent as him have record deals and are "successful" too. God bless America.

race, schmapitalism

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