For serious or for play-play

May 21, 2004 15:22

Here's a list of things I just can't take seriously....

-Puffy on Broadway??

-The fact that Jenny Lopez hasn't played a Hispanic woman in a movie since Selena.

-Video Hos trynna rap

-A white pimp that calls himself Mr,Whitefolks, speaks with a lisp and talks about puttin hos on "pimp arrest." lol Obviously I saw Pimps Up, Hoes Down recently. And I know that these people are serious and really live their lives like this 24/7, but c'mon now.... Mr. Whitefolks?!?! I'm sorry I can't take too many men seriously who get manicures.

-Kanye West trynna rap??

-The fact that Che Guevara shirts and wristbands with rasta colors are now trendy. TF?

-The notion of Twista making someone a celebrity overnight when it took him, what? 8 years? Just to get what little bit of fame he currently has.

-My life!

ranty rant rant, revolution, hiphop

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