"I like the way you comb your hair."

May 17, 2004 09:59

So I think the "what do you want in a significant other" thing has kinda been done to death. So I wanna ask something slightly different.

What qualities about yourself do you most want your SO (or prospective SO) to admire about you? Physically and personality wise.

Question slightly inspired by the song I'm listening to (which is the JAM!!!). When I hear it, I get all giddy. I want someone to feel this way about me.

"You blow my mind, baby
I'm so alive with you, baby."

Like Les said, love is what it's all about.

Anyhoo, to answer the question. I think I want him to love my smile and notice it when no one else does. Those moments that I'm smiling to myself about something silly and I think no one else can tell. (But I'm a pretty obvious person lol)

And I want him to admire my mind (i.e. the whole "you blow my mind" thing). Not for book smarts 'cause anyone can be book smart. But for my ability to question and search for true knowledge. I want him to admire my honesty and not to take for granted the fact that he can ALWAYS count on me for the complete truth (as I know it). And I want him to think I'm funny. lol And to appreciate the corniness.

So what about y'all?


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