Do you know what today is?

Jan 24, 2004 11:21

Happy LJ Day to me. This days marks my 3rd year on LJ. So I figure if there was ever a time to do a "year in review" this is it.

Last year started off with a "bang." My grandmother died [edit: Aaaactually, she passed away in 2002, not 2003. Odd that I made that mistake. And... that's it. I have nothing else to add to that thought.] which left me in this apartment with my cat, the bills and her ghost. Considering the fact that everything is fully functioning (aside from the cat's balls which had to be removed for him to continue his tenure in Casa de Ebony), the lights are on, phone is on and no one is requesting that I leave the premises I'd say I did well on my own. The woman who taught me pride, self-respect and how to decipher between bullshit and what REALLY matters is gone physically, but her lessons live in me. And her crappy knickknacks from all over the world ensure that I'll never forget them nor her. I love you Gramps.

I learned to trust my instincts (again).

Aside from Revolution, if I had a NY's resolution it would be to find my faith in people again. I don't trust people at their word anymore because apparently their word is not worth shit anymore. Written contracts were invented because people stopped following through with their word and needed something to bind them and FORCE them to let their actions reflect their words. I can only be let down so many times before I shut you out and lose faith. Don't blame my reactions on me as if they were pulled out of a hat. I am your creation.

So now I'm here at the beginning of a new year. And I'll be damned if somethings don't seem as though they are going to repeat themselves. And that kinda scares me, but all I can do is try to retain whatever small amount of hope I have left.

And I'm working on this connections thing. I still don't know how to express it, but simply put I want to strengthen my relationships with those I care about. [And that's really putting it simply] So far it's going nicely. =)

This can still be a good year.

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