No me gusta

Nov 29, 2003 13:00

When men are afraid of something, they generally don't use the term afraid or scared. They say "I don't like ____." My ex used to tell me he "didn't like" rats. Now rats aren't exactly my friends either, but aside from Michael Jackson and Ben I think it's safe to say most of us aren't on a first name basis with any rats. And comparatively, I don't like my AD, but when she comes around I don't run with my arms flailing in the air screaming "Get it away from me! Get it away from me!" However... That may be another alternative to dealing with her.

I don't like clowns
I don't like rejection
I don't like heights because I don't like plummeting to my death from a 15 story building.

I arrived at work a little while ago three fuckin hours early. I do not know the words to sum up how annoying that is. I will be here for 11 hours. 2pm to 1am. I arrived at 2 yet was due in at 5. Had I left and gone back home when I realized I was early, I would've been late with the travel time. Which reminds me how much I hate the fuckin MTA. So now I shall proceed with a slightly old work rant in the hopes of making myself feel a little bit better.

If you're the assistant director and the only thing you have to say about me amounts to "oooh look at her titties!" then I'm doing my job well and you're sexually frustrated. Why is it that the AD's comments about me have NOTHING to do with work performance but everything to do with my attire? Mind you, there is no dress code at my job, so my clothes should not be a topic of interest. Why is she having pow wows with the director about my pants? How does the cut of my blouses come up while speaking to my supervisor?

"Hey so yesterday that third alarm was handled well, but I need you to follow up with Tony about what he put in the incident report. BTW did you see Ebony's top last week? I think I saw a nipple!!!"

If she likes me, she should just say so. Not that I'd date her, but you know, I'd string her along for a raise.

Nope, that didn't make me feel better at all. =/

And my clothes are not even bad. Seriously. She just doesn't have anything else to talk about.

PS Happy Birthday J!

PPS Snapfish sucks SO MUCH ASS!!

ranty rant rant, cruz roja

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