Hot or Not

Mar 19, 2003 00:52

Alrighty so I hung out Lindy today. Good stuff. She actually showed me a cool place to eat in Harlem: Londel's. Gotta hit that place up again. Apparently they're [not Londel's, but you know...'they'] filming some commercial up the block from me. And I saw those same lights last night coming from downtown. I guess they're shooting all over Harlem. I dunno. We'll see. But yeah we had a nice time. And I still owe her a trip to the movies.

Ok so ever since Julia put up the link to that community I've been obsessed with that place. It's by far one of the best comic reliefs I've had in a while. The place? nonuglies Classic. Here's the scenario. People post their pics for "approval" to see if they're "hot" and if they are they get the privilege of judging others who do the same. Hi-fuckin-larious. 'Cause you know e'rybody think they're hot shit. Or at the very least we all think we're better than average. Well... on the average we do (npi). So some of these people.... I dunno, it just trips me out.

But I'm noticing something very interesting. On the rare occasion a minority posts their pics, someone has to point out that person's ethnicity. It's so disgusting to me because it's almost like they're saying "you're cute... for an Asian girl." At the very least they're making that person a fetish, which is past disgusting and degrading. But they make it positive so I guess most people don't see it from my perspective. But when I see someone saying things like "hey! I LOVE black chicks!" and "Asian boys are soooo sexy!" I interpret it in a completely different way. If only for the simple fact that you KNOW you will NEVER see anyone say "You are such a hot white chick!" or "GOD! White chicks rule!" 'Cause no one would think to even fetishize (you get the point) them in that way. It's kinda like they're saying "I know you're not white, but it's ok." As if they have to validate them.
[/remove soap box]

Anyhoo mi pregunta es Would YOU post your pics? Also what do you think about the place overall? Aside from the obvious like it's self-indulgent, snobbish and shallow. lol But I love it!

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