Mar 04, 2003 18:00
So yeah I'm finally out of training. Now I work friday through monday. Yep, no weekend for me. One of these days I will get my weekend back.
I don't know why it irks me so much, but listening to some of the folks in my Span class attempt to read is so annoying. IMHO Spanish is really simple. It has the same basic alphabet as English. And for reading purposes the vowels only have one sound. As opposed to our language which has the long, short and random other sounds produced from combinations of vowels and other letters. So I'll never understand why people stumble on such simple words. One of the words this guy had to read was "fiesta." I kid you not, dude really sat there and said "fres.... frestera?.... fresteria?" The professor corrected him and he STILL mispronounced it. Now that's just sad. That's a common word that anyone should know. And where did he get those extra syllables from? Lawd, just sound it out!
And I saw this while browsing other folks' journals. I think it's cute. Answer people!
I ____ Ebony.
Ebony is ____.
If I were alone in a room with Ebony, I would _______.
I think Ebony should _____.
Ebony needs ______.
I want to ____________ Ebony.
**Edit I fixed my VCR!!! My Tae-Bo tape was stuck in it for like ever. Now I get to exercise!! I shall be back to my regular size by summer. Mark my words.
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