After Las Vegas....Gun Deaths

Oct 09, 2017 22:30

The NRA, and its supporters, came straight out after Las Vegas, saying it wasn't about gun laws.

So...I am in an imperfect Australia, and we see the gun violence of America and wonder why - and wonder why no laws or regulations are brought in to control the extremes the US gun laws allow.

And as it seem no logical or empathetic argument will move those who support the level of the current gun laws I give you a simple table I put together showing deaths caused by guns (so suicide, homicide, accidents, and so on) in the state of Victoria, Australia, against some US states with a similar populations, over the years 2014 and 2015.

Excuses sought.

(cdc - is US Centre for Disease Control which also collects gun death statistics, Australian figures from ABS - Australian Bureau of Statistics.) (Green indicates population less than Victoria, Red indicates population greater than Victoria)
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