The end of the world is coming
You are all intelligent people. Partakers of popular culture, and viewers of the best news media Australian billionaires can bring to your television sets, phones and mobile devices....
We have seen the movies, read the books.....and we ALL know how the world will end..... will be a strange sound, a pinging or buzzing some isolated wilderness where people rarely go....
.....the wildlife will know and avoid the area...their instincts tell them something else is there, something not human, not within their knowledge or experience....perhaps many of the wildlife have already been slaughtered in experimentation, or just due to the malevolence of the presence...
....the authorities will contact everyone they can think of, and everyone will deny it is them....
....and then the authorities will send out an expedition to investigate....
Canada investigates mysterious pinging sound at bottom of sea in Arctic.
We were once the dominant species, our time is almost ended....enjoy the fruits of our labours until THEY arrive....