What a Grey's anatomy rip off.. oh please spare me the McDreamy wannabe.. who is like yuck... and good lord.. I was like ROFL. I always thought that Malaysian scriptwriters really lack imagination.
Okay, being a doctor in real life *yes I don't look like one but yeah that's what I do for a living* I actually avoid watching medical dramas.. Saiful loves it though with his current favourite Japanese drama Code Blue with cute helicopter flying medical doctors. I only watch Scrubs *because it really pokes fun at all the things I do everyday and House *because I love solving its diagnosis problems it deals every other week. I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy because Mer got so inane and Izzy became less likeable. Alex were adorable though but the latest storyline just ... kinda like blah...
So back to Ampang Medikal...
The potrayal of Malaysian doctors on TV has always been deplorable. They only focus on doctor's love life and oooo... just an inkling of the actual medical cases they see everyday. And I tell you I have not seen a good looking anak datuk working as an intern in Malaysia. Ok.. I actually do know one which is a dato's daughter but she hav more sense than Ampang Medikal's Dr Fadzli McRempit (is that his name?).
The thing which makes US medical dramas successful is because they were well researched and realistic enough to fool most discerning TV audience. Both were missing in our own home-grown medical drama. Oh please... writers proper research lah woi.. And when I mean research - I am not asking you to watch 3 seasons of Gray's anatomy back to back.. research means reading up on doctors in Malaysia issues and actually interview them.. Malaysian hospitals is a treasure-trove of interesting human interest stories which if you are good enough to recreate on Tv - would surely make an impact. But NOOO you chose to write about a doctor with a philandering hubby and another doctor wants to flirt with her.. another one broken heart while some playboy doctor want to tackle the main gal... hello... I thought doctors should be doing more doctoring than flirting?
I am not saying the US medical dramas were perfect... they aren't. But at least they do not make me cringe at the sight of them. I wonder if any of the actors actually meet up with actual doctors (young doctors I mean) and get a feedback on how did they do acting as a doctor. If they ask me.. I'll give them a big fat zero out of 100%.
If ppl ask me if someone goes up to me and say they want to like make a TV drama out of my life ala Grey's.. the plot would be somewhat an overexaggerated with a couple of lies thrown in version of my life which goes like this... *cerita ini tiada kaitan dengan yang hidup atau yang mati*
dr ida, a KL born and bred girl who can't live without her Streamyx and Starbucks coffee was transferred to a district hospital somewhere in Malaysia to start her new life as an intern there. Everyday, she faces challenges as she learns the ropes of being a medical officer in a busy district hospital all while nursing an unrequited love for someone back home. At the same time, she had to learn to juggle hectic oncalls, lazy colleagues, 'gatal' elderly patients, horrifying medical consultants, bitchy nurses as well as pleasing the high expectations of parents, senior MO and friends. As the story goes along - we will have episodes that is both funny and sad and amusing and inspiring... she experienced heartbreaking deaths of her favoured patient *which squashed her idealistic views of being a 'noble' doctor, her first successful resuscitation where she managed to CPR someone back to life, humorous incidents courtesy of her dearest colleagues, impressed a senior specialist with her medical prowess, spend the first Raya in hospital, misdiagnose an intraabdominal injury, getting offered to further her studies, got sued by an overzealous family relative, lost her very own bestfriend, got an accident in an ambulance, getting proposed by a patient's mom (on the patient behalf)..... LOL... and the season finale ends with that unrequited love of her life.. ask her to marry him...
see.. bet that would make a good tv series
in case u want to see how the err.. drama go..
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