Mar 19, 2009 20:28
I really, really really want Justice Riders fic involving the Watchmen.
I mean, seriously, can you imagine the wonders of steampunk!Watchmen people? Veidt would be some prissy rich kid city boy who owned a huge ranch. Rorschach would be the crazy coot that no one wants to get close to, but who's actually the Lone Ranger IN HIS SPARE TIME and Dan would be that crazy engineer who hangs out in the outskirts of town and, y'know, blows shit up. He and Justice Riders!Ted would be BEST BUDDIES. The Comedian would be the town sherrif who's got a penchant for shooting first and asking questions later and Manhattan would be the Indian medic who sits out in the desert and tends to his sheep and eats peyote all day in order to SEE THE FEWCHA and COMMUNE WITH NATURE.
I think it would be fantastic.
Also, Rorschach would own a horse. Rorschach riding a horse with blotches on it.
toast = suck,