I admit it: I've been using my non-internet time to write Watchmen fic. In fact, I have been frantically writing it because it Will. Not. Go. Away.
The original fic was Rorschach exploring alternate realities within the Bleed (a la Wildstorm. Unfortunately, this means that I've been exploring alternate realities, churning them out and pushing them together, then leaping on to the next one. It leaves me with a fic that will quite probably hit a huge number of AUs, each of them requiring variable levels of backstory and content.
Here's my question: do you find it preferable to read a dozen or more separate AU fics or one amazingly long pile of words strung together by some fuzzy Rorschach!head-voice?
Additionally, could someone please comment and scream at me for even considering the thought of "That Universe Where They're All Transformers"? I might have to shoot myself soon if this keeps up.
It is four o'clock in the morning on July 14th, 1975. Two bloodstained men wander the streets, trailing ashes in their wake.
Dan sprawls on the floor at the foot of Hollis's bed, limp and unmoving. Blood trickles from his nose. It mixes with the puddle of stale hospital coffee that is slowly spreading across the floor. It is twelve thirty on November 2, 1985.
"Rorschach, keep your goddamn bony elbows to yourself."
"... apologies." It would have been fine, only Rorschach decided to add an after thought. "Not too much space. Much too much you."
Daniel levelled a glare at the other man that was fit to kill.
"Did you just poke fun at my weight you-"
"Oy!" Both men tensed when they heard the harsh cry.
"Oh my god, you don't even own one, do you?"
Niteowl stares at Rorschach in horror.
"How do you do all of that kicking and punching if you don't have any support?"
A shrug.
"Need space to move in. I get by well enough without."
"Bullshit. I'm not that much bigger than you and I know all that bouncing gets annoying as hell."
Rorschach growls defensively.
"I. Don't. Need. A. Bra."
She spins on her heel, tightening her trenchcoat about herself as she does so.
"End of conversation."