A meme, because it's an interesting one. Ganked from
zangetsugirl Do you have the guts to answer this and post it?
Sure, but after reading the questions, some of them are good and some of them are just plain dumb. (or at least, they could have been worded better)
... also, I admit to being disappointed that there's nothing here on stem-cell research.
Would you do meth if it was legalized?
No. I'm a biology major, I know exactly how much it would fuck up my brain.
Abortion: for or against?
Nng. I'm pro-choice in most cases, but I tend to go with the general medical community. If it's going to harm the mother, abortion's a good idea. However, once you hit a certain point in the pregnancy, I'd say just have the baby and give it up for adoption. Because once you hit that stage of growth, abortion's messy and painful and really rather dangerous.
Would our country fall with a woman president?
Uh, dude, I'm Canadian. We've had a female prime minister. Not for long, because she wasn't actually amazing at her job, but we're sorta still around, y'know?
Do you support the death penalty?
You don't put a tracking collar on a rabid dog, then set it free in the wild. You shoot it.
But if you're going to have someone put to death, it'd better be excruciatingly obvious that there's no other possible way to 'cure' them of their problems, and that there's no doubts about their guilt. Personally, my support for the death penalty extends only to serial killers and possibly child molesters, serial rapists and murderers. But it all depends on the details of their crimes.
Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
I think that marijuana's just as bad for you as smoking is. I don't personally approve of either habit, but I think most of our hangups revolve around the cultural aspects of it. Smoking's related to sophisticated people and spies and such. Pot's related to hippies. To all of it, I say 'meh', for the same reasons why I say 'meh' to the meth question above. I don't play with things that'll fuck up my brain, especially when I know just how much they'll fuck up my brain. I don't judge, but I won't do, either.
Are you for or against premarital sex?
I think this is a really vague question. Premarital sex with a minor? Premarital sex with your fiance? Premarital sex with an unconsenting individual?
In the end, though, if it's consensual, both people are of age, and there's protection involved, it's cool with me.
Do you believe in God?
I don't believe in one with a capital 'G', but I figure there's gotta be some kind of higher power somewhere. It's probably playing with us in the same way that a kid pokes insects with sticks.
Do you believe same sex marriage should be legalized?
Again, honey, I live in Canada. gay marriage is legalized here, and it's a wonderful thing.
Do you think it's wrong that so many illegal Hispanics are moving to the USA?
I've honestly got no opinion on that. 'Illegal' immigrants move for a variety of different reasons. Sometimes they're good ones, sometimes they're bad. I have no idea how they work in the US, but I think immigration policies definitely need to be updated in Canada. The process of immigration takes too long and it's too restrictive at the moment.
A twelve year old girl has a baby...should she keep it?
Is she going to be able to take care of the baby and still be able to go to school and have a good life? Will the baby be able to as well? In most cases, the answer's no. Put the child up for adoption, it'll be better for both 'mother' and child.
Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
I live in Canada. 18 is the legal age for alcohol. It's worked out so far, I think... but what we really need to do? Is raise the legal age for /driving/, because drunk 18 year olds with cars are going to drive them. And they shouldn't be. Public transit, my friends. It's a beautiful thing.
Should the war in Iraq be called off?
Um, again. Canadian. I supported to movement to stay out of there ^__^
Assisted suicide is illegal...do you agree?
Well, the law says that assisted suicide is illegal. Whether or not it's immoral and unethical is a different matter.
I think there are situations where assisted suicide is a legitimate option, morally, but you need to ask key questions before deciding that. Is the person suffering from incurable, debilitating chronic illness? Have they thought over their decision to suicide for sufficient time to understand the consequences of their actions? Depending on the answers to these questions, the morality of assisting someone with suicide is variable.
Do you believe in spanking your children?
Yes, but the explanation's long and I don't want to talk about it.
Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Uh, Canadian? Duh. Of course.
A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case...do you agree?
Innocent of what charges? Why was she temporarily insane? You've got to ask questions and get details before judging someone. It's hard, sure, but without knowing the full picture, what right do I have to judge?
The question's like saying "Would you go to a doctor who only cures 25% of patients, or a doctor whose track record is 100% cured patients?" Most people'd say they'd go to the second doctor... until they found out that the second doctor had only ever had one patient, while the other specializes in severe, acute cases of cancer, where a 25% cure rate is miraculous.
Details. It's all about the details.
Are you afraid others will judge you for reading some of your answers?
Oh, I know people will judge me. I also know that the people who matter will have wonderfully interesting discussions with me about my answers, rather than immediately cutting me off without a word. And the people that snub me after reading this are probably not worth my time.