Distract me please.
1 Naughty:
childofatlantis2 Happy
3 Silly
4 Angsty:
akisawana5 On Vacation
6 Horny
7 Transforming
8 Excited
9 Book Reading:
crystal_sun39610 Dancing:
bluepard11 Jealous:
systemscrash12 Turned On
13 Caring
14 On his/her/their knees:
zangetsugirl15 Obedient/Submissive
16 Dominant
117 Naïve
18 Drinking (energon)
19 Greedy
20 Daring
21 At the Beach:
finchesenroute22 Bath Time:
akisawana23 Disheveled
24 Exhausted:
systemscrash25 Helpful
26 Kickass:
frozenlullaby27 Playing with Kids:
clankclankboom (ClankClank)
28 Protective: