I can't believe that I am actually starting up a meme. Perhaps it doesn't have to be one?
There's lots of characters out there, both fandom and original. How well do you know yours?
I'm answering for Elita and Wheeljack.
1) If they've got bangs/long hair, does it get in their eyes? Why or why not and how do they respond to the potential annoyance? If they've short hair, why is it cut that way?
Elita: Elita's got long hair and bangs. The bangs are floofy and they get in her eyes all the time. If she's working, she'll constantly be tucking strands behind her ears, or chewing on particularly long pieces. Optimus teases her about it.
Wheeljack: He's got wild, fluffy hair that's actually pretty long. However, his bangs don't get in his eyes because he cuts them off if they get bothersome. It gives him a really weird look, but he doesn't care that much.
2) While we're on the topic of hair, tell me about the stuff below the head. Where is it growing/supposed to grow and, if it's not there, why isn't it? Don't tell me your character's naturally hairless because everyone's got to have some sort of treasure trail at the very least. Also, do the curtains match the carpet?
Elita: The only hair actually below the neck is her treasure trail because she shaves and waxes regularly. If she lets it go, though, she gets a noticeable covering on her calves and forearms, and a little bit of fuzz on her upper arms and legs. For some reason, she's also got a thin coat of downy hair running down her spine. She never noticed it until Optimus pointed it out to her because he thought it was cute.
Wheeljack: He's got hair on his arms, legs, and chest, as well as a happy trail and armpit hair. What's there is sparse, thin, and light coloured. He's a blond after all. It makes him very unhappy that he's so 'unmanly', but what's he to do? At least his happy trail's dark enough to be visible.
3) What are the quality of your character's hands? How smooth is their skin? Are their nails chipped/dirty? How callused are they?
Elita: Elita regularly moisturizes her hands, but she's a nail biter. Her nails are generally nibbled a bit, and totally gone if she's stressed out. She's tried to break the habit, but finds that she just ends up slipping the gloves off to chew on her thumbs, so has given up.
Wheeljack: His hands are actually fairly smooth and soft, because he wears work gloves all the time. He's got tool-callouses on his palms, though, and his nails tend to have dirt under them, from when he pries away at finiky motor-oil covered components with his fingers. He's always got some sort of cut on his hands, whether it be from papers, sharp metal edges, or something else.
4) Tell me about three markings on your character's body. They could be scars, beauty spots, birth marks, tattoos, freckles, you name it. They don't have to be of any importance either. But no one's got perfectly clear skin.
Elita: She's got a small beauty mark on the side of her belly, just above her right hip bone. She also has a slash of a scar about an inch long on the sole of her foot from where she stepped on broken glass at the beach as a child. Finally, she's got another beauty mark about the size of a pea on her left shoulder, just beside where her bra strap normally sits.
Wheeljack: He's got a scattering of freckles on his back that darken if he's out in the sun. He's also got a deep circular scar in the fleshy part of his thumb from where he burned into it with a soldering iron. Finally, he's got several silvery scars on his forearms from burning himself on the oven rack. He was trying to take his cookies out and touched his arms to the element above.
5) What shape is your character's nose? Most people's aren't straight, you know. Is it snubbed, wide, upturned, a little crooked? Does it tend to drip in the winters?
Elita: Her nose is short, snubbed and wide. She's got a tendency to flare her nostrils when she's upset too.
Wheeljack: His nose is long and narrow, with a bit of an upturn at the tip. It'd be pixie-ish if her weren't male. As it is, it's very cute.
6) Where does/did your character get acne. If they didn't, again, there'd better be a damn good reason. Everyone gets spotty at some point or another in their teenage years. If your character's not human, tell me about their sexual maturation and how it changed their body (did they lose baby fat, gain hair, grow horns, move to a new body, etc.)
Elita: She used to get the worst of it on her forehead and at the sides of her nose. She used a lot of acne product to keep it minimal, though.
Wheeljack: He got acne on his chin and under his nose, but also a lot of it on his back.
7) How good is your character's sense of taste? Would they be able to tell the difference between a $10 wine and a $50 one? Do they actually taste the difference between soup from a can and home made stuff? Do they prefer strong flavours, or bland ones?
Elita: If she tries something, she'll usually be able to tell if it's got garlic, cinnamon, etc, but not everything in it. She's not picky about her food, though, and generally wouldn't tell the difference between a high class meal and a home made one if it was the same general food.
Wheeljack: He's a closet gourmet. It comes from having to cook his craving food all the time. Wheeljack, if he tries something, can rattle off a list of spices and their approximate quantities in a dish. It's really quite bizzare. However, it also means that he can make some damn good food... if he's not distracted.
8) What's your character's favourite texture? Silks, fuzz, rough, you name it.
Elita: She likes smooth silks sliding across her skin.
Wheeljack: He's a fuzz kind of guy. Nothing's more comfortable than soft, well-worn flannel.
9) Is there one place that your character gets achey most often? Weak ankles, recurring headaches, stiff neck, sore back, etc. If so, is there a reason?
Elita: Her wrists tend to get sore after she types for long periods. She also gets tension headaches in times of stress.
Wheeljack: Tends to get cricks in his neck from bending over his work for long periods of time. He's too tall, damnit.
10) If your character is female: if she crossed her arms and someone dropped a pencil into her cleavage, would it stay there, or fall out? If your character is male: If he twisted around in his chair, what are his chances of sitting on himself?
Elita: It depends on how tight she crossed her arms. She's a little on the small side, to be honest.
Wheeljack: A little higher than average, but only because he's more exuberant than most, rather than because of size issues.