Title: The First Kisses
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Tommy, Eli/Kate
Prompt: 39. Taste
Word Count: 385
Rating: PG
Summary: Eli was having a very good day.
Author's Notes: Argh! This did not come out like I planned it to, but I have no idea how to fix it. Tommy does appear here, you just need to wait a bit.
First Kisses )
I personally don't see Tommy with anyone at all. The way I see it, if he had a girlfriend, she'd be used as a listening ear for him to bitch at, and a willing body to make out with. He's too immature and flighty to really pair up with anyone.
But that doesn't mean that he believes this XD;
Eli's gonna get hell later.
Yeah, honestly Tommy is just to fast for anyone else, but sometimes the idea of him and Kate just makes me happy inside. oh well, atleast we have Billy and Teddy to keep us happy XD
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