So I went to the Metro City Comic Con last weekend.
I was at the con with a male friend of mine and in some strange inversion of geek stereotypes, he's the one who is all "INDIE COMICS! FELICIA DAY! POP CULTURE WOOOOO!" while I am the chick who is diving into dollar bins and screaming "OOOH JIM HAMMOND OOOOOOOOOOH!". It works out pretty well, though, because a) we never want the same merch, but we've got two sets of eyes looking, b) no one hits on me because they think guy friend is my boyfriend, and c) with a lacy camisole and a push-up bra, I can get some great deals on merch.
Yes, yes, I know it's a horrible thing to abuse the stereotype like that, but with cleavage and some lipstick, I got myself a stack of Sgt. Nick Fury and the Howling Commandoes issues for 30% off and a Captain Britain and the M-13 TPB for half price. So, y'know, haters gonna hate.
Now real highlight of the con was when we hit the dealer's alley. You see, my guy friend is totally into the actress who plays Alice in Twilight, and he was looking for one particular action figure. "It's the best model!", he said, looking excited as anything, and of course I was going to help him out.
Unfortunately, being a cute girl asking about Twilight action figures got me a lot of rolled eyes and snickering going on behind my back. Finally, annoyed with it all, I pointed back at my friend.
"Look, he's the one looking for the Twilight figure. Not all girls are squealing vampire fangirls."
"Uh-huh." said the snide, neck-bearded owner of the particular stall we were poking through.
Cue the dead eyed stare.
"Which eye did Nick Fury have an eye-patch on in the eleventh issue of Sergeant Fury and the Howling Commandos?"
"The left eye", said neck-beard man, who was still looking smug. "But sometimes the artists get confused and switch it over."
At this point I pulled out my comic books (OHO, CHEKHOV'S GUN) and waved them in his face. "Actually, Nick didn't wear an eye-patch through the entirety of the Howling Commandos. He only got it once he started working for the CIA, after the series was over."
I wanted to add "And this is why you will never get a girlfriend", but my guy friend pulled me away, going "OH HEY IT ISN'T HERE, LET'S MOVE ON TO THE NEXT STALL" and we were swept up in the tide of fangasming nerds.
On one hand, guy friend was probably right to drag me away because it was bad of me to do that, but oh, it felt so good.
So. Good.
In the end, we never found the figurine, but next year if I go back, I'm going to cosplay as someone who carries a big fucking stick 8|