I am home, and having spent several days in a car with my sick sister and my sick mother, I have been hit by The Sick, and am curled up in bed with hot soup, because I can't walk without the world going flippity on me.
Coincidentally, I have a driver's test tomorrow, which can't be cancelled because then I forfeit the fee and don't have another change to take one until sometime in August ... I have a feeling I'm going to be giving the examiner a strong disclaimer of the "please watch out for small children and the elderly" variety, because earlier today when I dragged myself onto the street, I almost ran into oncoming traffic while attempting a left turn.
What with the driving incidents and the marks freak outs and the tendency to turn to rice as my comfort food of choice, I am swiftly validating every Asian stereotype out there. Hm.
Now, um, for those of you who are only here for fic, here's a run-down of what I've been working on? A lot of these are gifts in one way or another, though, so there isn't going to be a lot of detail. My apologies.
1) Thor cannot fit into skinny jeans.
2) Jason is an angry little bastard and he takes it out on Dick in ~*sexy ways*~
3) Wherein Danny feels a strong kinship with pigeons.
4) Jan and Hank take over Marvel!movieverse by being adorable.
5) Too many have forgotten the long lost art of pigtail pulling.
6) Orson gives a dragon the finger. The dragon does not approve.
7) Matt Murdock wears a skirt.
Yup, that is all. You might not ever see all of these, but they're in progress in some way or another on my computer and you'll definitely see at least three of them...
Especially since I'm putting up number 3 in a couple minutes c:
Side note: if anyone has time to beta fic, drop me a line? I feel bad bothering people around this time of year when it's so busy, but if you've got time to give something a bit of a read-over, I'd really appreciate it!
This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth.