Title: On Time
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Speed
Prompt: 079. When?
Word Count: 204
Rating: G
Summary: Tommy Shepard is consistently late.
Author's Notes: Yup, more experimenting, this time with italics and afterthoughts. I'm not sure it works too well, but you be the judge of that.
On Time )
Comments 9
In which case they'll show up with precisely .0000027 seconds to spare.
Law two of the comic universe: Law one is true unless there is a crisis, wherein the speedsters will show up to save the day with precisely .0000027 seconds to spare.
(Yes I did copy that from the previous posters. :P EXCEPT I MADE IT OFFICIAL LIKE)
And, um...the prompt: Family, [Billy/Tommy] (I hope you don't mind the pairing). Thank you very much, it can be hard to find people who know about characters who don't come up much, like Magda.
Wait, you want twincest? Ree~ally? >D
Keep checking here, because I'm finishing another snippet at the mo, but I'll try to have your ficlet up by Tuesday night latest! If not, feel free to poke at me ^^;
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