Went to FanExpo this weekend, and it was a blast. I cosplayed as The Question again, although this time I went for the shorter haired, more current look over the classic blue trench (it was so hot last year D:). I don't have pictures of that right now, but what I do have are pictures of the commissions I got. They are really, really cool c:
This one actually wasn't a commission, but a doodle that Beck drew before she left :D She is generally awesome.
Guy Gardner as Warrior by Hugh Rookwood. Aaaaaa, so nineties! So muscley! So awesome! I adore this sketch XD
Sophie wanted to go harass Marcus To at the DC booth, so we went and got some free sketches done while abused him XD Figuring that he'd probably be sort of bored with drawing Tim Drake as Red Robin over and over and over, obviously I had to ask him for Danny Rand. The part that amuses me most is that the sketch is on DC paper.
Paul from Spent Pencils did this for me and it is wonderful! All I asked for was Iron Fist and Daredevil kicking ass. I think that maybe I should have specified something less generic, but honestly, I'm not disappointed with what I got.
Iron Fist by Rob Granito. I actually have no commentary for once... Alas.
At this point, I'm moving from the Official Artist commissions, to ones that I got done by "amateurs" in the Artist's Alley. I got a little more ridiculous when asking for drawings there because there was less intimidation factor going on :D
We start with Guy and Kilowog being BROS because this artist was so awesome that a) she knew Kilowog and b) she actually went home and checked references to draw him right. GO GREEN LANTERN FANS!
Sophie and I had quite a time finding a guy who was cool with drawing Guy with sexy bedroom eyes. It took a while, but we finally cajoled a guy into drawing this. I regret nothing.
Marvin Law is a friggin' boss and he drew the most amazingly horrible crap for all of us. For me, he drew Mary Marvel and Guy Gardner egging Titans Tower. If you ever find him at con, go talk to him. He's really fun!
The last of the commissions, and probably the most insane/cute/aaaaa one. As is my custom, I went into the anime section and hunted down an artist who would draw me chibis. Last year I got Guy, so this year I upped the ante and got him and Danny being adorable (yesssss). It was crazy, though, because the artist was running all over the place and then never there when I went by to see her. I got this from her the last minute before I had to leave the con XD Still, even though only Greer and I know what scene this references, I think it was really, really worth all the running around and screaming :D
And that is all! There are a couple other prints that I got, but I didn't photo those because my camera couldn't do the colours justice. All in all, I think I made out pretty well at Fan Expo this year.